Durable Dental Fillings
in Leesburg, VA
When tooth decay develops in one or more teeth, it must be removed and restored with a dental filling. Leesburg Family Dental offers both composite and amalgam, or tooth-colored and silver, dental fillings to all residents in Leesburg, Virginia. To learn more about our treatment options or schedule your next appointment with our team, please contact our friendly front office team via phone or through our virtual contact form.
Keep reading to understand why dental fillings are essential for optimal oral health after decay has infected a tooth.
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How Do I Know I Need a Filling?
The only way to know if you need a dental filling is if a dental professional, such as Dr. Mualla, diagnoses a cavity within a tooth. Dr. Mualla knows how to spot even the smallest amount of decay on any surface of your teeth. Once diagnosed, he will determine the size and recommend a filling or simply better oral hygiene if the cavity is tiny.
The Dental Filling Process
Appointments for dental fillings take approximately one hour from start to finish. Dr. Mualla will numb the teeth and gums. Numbing the teeth requires a local anesthetic to be injected into the gums. Then, he will use a small drill to remove the tooth decay, and then he will place the filling carefully so that the tooth looks good and functions properly. Our dental office offers tooth-colored and silver fillings, which provide different benefits depending on where the tooth is in the mouth and what the patient prefers.
Once placed and secured, we will ensure that the material is shaped to the previous tooth anatomy and that the bite is comfortable. Before you leave, your tooth will be polished.
Because only an anesthetic was used and no strong sedation, you are perfectly able to drive after your procedure.

Should I get a Filling or a Crown?
Fillings and dental crowns are used to restore and protect teeth affected by tooth decay. However, fillings are generally preferred for teeth that haven’t been greatly influenced by tooth decay, as they are less invasive. Dental crowns require the tooth to be reshaped before being placed, and they cover the tooth entirely. Fillings are used to fill in small spaces where cavities used to be. Our team offers both treatment options, and we can work with you to determine which treatment will work best for your smile.
What Happens if I Don’t get a Filling?
If tooth decay is left untreated, it will likely spread and become worse. Once tooth decay develops, it cannot be cured or reversed, so a filling is usually the best option. It’s essential to visit the dentist for routine dental appointments to ensure that any cavities that develop are taken care of as soon as possible. If tooth decay is left alone for too long, a dental crown or a root canal treatment may become necessary.
At Leesburg Family Dental, we recommend that you make an appointment to get it treated as soon as possible if a cavity is diagnosed. Acting fast will prevent further infection from occurring, saving you from lengthy and costly treatments. Dr. Mualla and his team of experts are here to help you on your journey to great oral health. If you are due for your next routine cleaning or have tooth sensitivity, please call our office to schedule an appointment. We encourage you to reach out to one of our team members if you have any questions regarding toothaches and if you think you have a cavity.